

 R. Baker, L. Braunton, S. Bishop, N. Clarke, M. Collins, R. Doak, R. Fowler, A. Gage, A. Knight, D. Lemon, A. Locke, B. Netherway, S. Osborne, M. Saunders,


  1. That the Club shall be known as The Chard Angling Club. 
  2. That the Club’s affairs shall be managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary, and elected Committee Members not less than 8, no more than 20 of which 2 will represent the Junior Section, and of which 7 would constitute a Quorum. 
  3. That all Officers be elected annually. Nominations for Club Officers and Executive Committee shall be given to the Secretary in writing 14 days prior to the A.G.M. No prior nomination shall be required where an Officer is eligible and prepared to accept re-election. Voting to be by ballot at the A.G.M. All officers and committee members must have a valid Club Membership. 
  4. That 14-day notice in writing must be given to effect amendments to Club Rules at the A.G.M. 
  5. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within 28 days of the receipt of a requisition signed by 10% of the membership, or by the Trustees of the Club. The requisition and the Notice convening the meeting shall: Specify the purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be transacted unless at the discretion of the Chairman. 
  6. That the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt to fill a casual vacancy on the Committee, those co-opted members to have the power to vote. 
  7. Membership of Chard Angling Club is by season ticket only and full membership shall be restricted to Senior Season Ticket Holders. Only Senior Members (16 years and over) are entitled to vote at a meeting of the Club. 
  8. That the payment of the subscription and acceptance of the Club Membership ticket shall be deemed an agreement to conform with the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club. 
  9. That membership tickets can only be issued to bonafide holders of an Environment Agency Rod License. 
  10. That the cost of the annual subscription shall be deemed at the A.G.M. 
  11. That the annual Club Membership Ticket shall run from 1st June to 30th May inc. 
  12. That all members must produce their Club Ticket if called upon to do so by a Bailiff or other Club Member. 
  13. That any member reported to the Committee for breaking any Club Rule or causing any damage upon the grounds over which the Club has fishing rights shall be expelled from the Club, or dealt with at the discretion of the Committee. 
  14. That the Club does not hold itself responsible for any prosecutions. 
  15. That the Club will not accept any liability for loss, damage or injury incurred whilst fishing Club Waters or in Club Matches.